You Know You Are Meant to Scale This Year but Need Help

I was in your shoes just a few years ago. I knew my creative energy needed an outlet beyond 1-1 sessions. If you are full, or almost full and want to go after that BIG IDEA this year, this mastermind is created just for you. In 12 weeks we meet and outline exactly what that big idea is and how you're going to launch it. I teach you everything I know about scaling as an entrepreneurial therapist. We cover:

  • Creating an online course
  • Making that first hire
  • Optimizing your practice before you scale it
  • Hiring an admin/VA
  • Audience building
  • Mindset work
  • And so much more!

12 Week, Weekly Mastermind

For 12 weeks meet with Danielle and your intimate small, Scale Up Mastermind to create your new offer. You'll make new business besties who are scaling just like you.

1-1s & Guest Experts

Get 1-1s with Danielle and expert trainings coming in to train you on how to start a podcast and build your audience on online.

Access to Scale Up Trainings

Access to all course content on how to hire, how to create an online course as a therapist, meditations for your mindset and so much more.

Choose a Pricing Option

I've Been in Your Shoes

In the past 5 years I've had to learn the ups and down of what's it like to add a additional revenue streams, all while juggling a baby girl and a full practice. I have learned:

  • Hired an admin and therapist for my group practice
  • Started a podcast
  • Done online coaching
  • Had 5 course launches
  • Launched intensives & workshops
  • Worked with sponsors & brands

The freedom these streams of revenue have given me in my life is worth its weight in gold. And I want to teach you to do the same.

Only 5 therapists are able to register! Register today to reserve your spot.